Sunday, August 05, 2007

I Want a Do-Over

Well, this marks the end of my "vacation." We decided not to travel anywhere (in order to save money) and just have a restful week at home. So much for that.

We had a good day Tuesday at the zoo and Thursday Shannon and I went to lunch and a movie while Grandma watched the kids. But apart from these highlights and the time in general with Shannon and the boys, the week as a whole was kind of bust.

I had two fundamental flaws with my plan.
1) I got sick. Graham and I had a bad head cold that lingered all week. With a sore throat and congestion that started Monday and lasted all week, I spent Wednesday in bed and would have done the same Saturday if circumstances would have permitted.
2) Timing. I like what I do for a living and not doing it causes me stress. So taking a vacation just before the busy fall season was a mistake. Earlier in the lull of the summer would have been more restful than trying to relax just before things get hectic. I spent the whole week worked up in knots about all the sermons, programs, counseling, teaching, etc. that I know is just around the corner.

Maybe next year I'll take a week off in late June. I'll leave town (and the cell phone) and actually get some rest. Then I'll come back to the quiet summer routine and begin my careful preparation for the Fall.

Yeah, right.

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