Monday, August 20, 2007

Potter Prognostications

I recently found a paper I had written dated June 14, 2003, citing my guesses as to the conclusion of the Harry Potter saga. It was written after I had seen the second movie and before the fifth book came out (I haven't read the books but a friend had described them to me as he read each one).

Four years ago I speculated that… [highlight below to read inviso-text]

  • Voldemort is trying to gain immortality by killing his own family, of which Harry is the last known relative.
  • Hermione could be Harry's sister, hidden by their parents from Voldemort and raised incognito by an adopted family. She might even know this but is keeping it a secret. She will eventually end up with Ron.
  • Snape may be embittered toward Harry because of a love triangle with Lily and James. He blames James for Lily's eventual demise.
  • Dumbledore or Hagrid, because they are the most sympathetic characters, will die. So will Harry but he will be brought back by his sister Hermione and the Phoenix to finally defeat Voldemort, to whom Harry was a fatal distraction.

Okay, I missed completely on some of those but had more luck with my other guesses. I'm actually glad for J.K. Rowlings that she wasn't as predictable as I thought she was going to be. It's good that these stories had some really unique twists in them, but at the same time they formed one coherent piece from start to finish.

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