Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Cubemaster, Part 2

I've now solved the Rubik's cube without using my notes (in front of a witness). And it didn't involve disassembling the cube!

I had to memorize eight different algorithms of four to eight moves each, in order to solve the cube in five stages. It takes me about five to ten minutes (competitive cubers can do it in less than a minute).

Now I'll introduce my new service to the public: dig out those old Rubik's cubes that have been exiled to the junk drawer and bring them to me. I'll solve your cube for you so you can proudly display them as the icons of sophistication that they are. Be shamed no longer! It's hip to be a convex regular polyhedron!

1 comment:

Novice said...

i once had a rubix cube
i loved it
recently i found a rubix cube strategy guide book in my closet so i wanna try it