Friday, January 04, 2008

M R Ducks

When I was growing up our family thought M R Ducks was high comedy and it brought us endless amusement. You've probably heard one of the several versions that exist; my favorite is M R Mice which goes something like this:

M R mice.
M R not mice.
O S A R, C M E D B D feet?
L I B, M R mice.

I always imagine a hill-billy couple sitting on the couch saying, "Them are mice." "Them are not mice." "Oh yes they are, see them itty-bitty feet?" "Well I'll be, them are mice." I've always wondered what's actually being disputed, do the one think they might be voles or shrews?

I found a similar joke which was new to me. Let me know in the comments if you can figure this one out.

F U E 10?
F U N E X?
S V F X.
F U N E M?
S V F M.
O K, M N X.
O K N, M N X 4 1.
F U N E T?
V F T. O! V F N N E X.
Y F N U N E X?
L, U C, I F E 10 M.
U 8 D X?
O K, I L F D M N T.

It helps to say it with a Swede-struggling-with-his-English accent.


sugarbumkin said...

Have you eaten?
Have you any eggs?
Yes, we have eggs.
Have you any ham?
Yes, we have ham.
Ok, ham and eggs.
Ok, then, ham and eggs for one.
Have YOU eaten?
(vft?) Oh! We haven't any eggs.
WHY haven't you any eggs?
Well, you see, I have eaten them.
You ate the eggs?? (that's incredulous)
Ok, I'll have the ham then. (that's sullen)

Thumper said...

Close but not quite!

Mindy Jo said...

Have you eaten?
Have you any eggs?
Yes, we have eggs.
Have you any ham?
Yes, we have ham.
Ok, ham and eggs.
Ok, then, ham and eggs for one.
Have any Tea?
We have tea. Oh! We haven't any eggs.
Why haven't you any eggs?
Well, you see, I have eaten them.
You ate the eggs?
Ok, I'll have the ham and Tea.

Dustin said...

It took Alanna and I a minute, but we came up with the exact same thing as Mindy Jo... But Ham and Tea sounds gross together!

sugarbumkin said...

Ah, tea...I can't stand tea, no wonder I didn't think of it. :-D

Krystal's Dad said...

Actually, this is a comment on the one preceding--MR Ducks

I heard a different version over 20 years ago.

MR Ducks
MR Not
Cedar Wings
Whale Oil
Beef Hooked
MR Ducks!