Monday, March 03, 2008

Liar, Liar, Dress on Fire

According to a recent study and book, "75 percent [of women] lie about how much money they spend, while more than 60 percent admitted to cheating on their husband."

60% admit to cheating on their husbands!?!?

I wish I could say that was unbelievable, but the more I counsel in ministry the more I discover that discontent and deceitful wives cheat on their husbands every day. I'm not sure that 60% isn't too high, but I would have guessed 40-50%, active church goers somewhat less but nominal church goers about the same as the general population. That's my guess anyway.

According the author, Susan Shapiro Barash (who may be lying by the way), money is the number one thing women lie about, sex is the fourth most common and various relationships make up half of the top ten issues about which they lie.

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