Friday, February 11, 2005


Welcome to my blog!

Have you become convinced that the grass must always be greener on the other side of the fence? Does the nagging pain of discontent pull at you to pick up and leave from where you are? That little voice inside says you'd be happy if only things were just a little different. Is that voice getting louder?

I hope you'll share your struggles in finding joy and contentment in everyday life. As a minister, I am particularly interested in your struggles with church and organized religion. But you may also feel lost and unsatisfied by your marriage, your job, your body, or whatever. What do you do to keep on keepin' on?

And if you've surrendered to that voice and have made a change of scenery, in the words of Dr. Phil, "how's that working for ya?" Did you find the joy and happiness you sought? Or just a new set of circumstances with its own joys and sorrows? What did you learn to help the rest of us?

I'll try to post often. I look forward to talking you. God bless.

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