Saturday, July 19, 2008

Another Convert

From this Wired interview:

"Software engineer Satoshi Nakajima, the lead architect of Microsoft’s Windows 95, picked up a Mac for the first time two years ago. He was so impressed, he says he’ll never again touch a PC again."

I understand. My past experiences with Windows have not been that great, confirming me as an unrepentant Mac-addict. But it goes the other way too.

We had an IT guy come in to the church office to set up our new copier last week. The guy was probably a computer genius, but when he saw my Mac he froze. He didn't know what to do and left us with the drivers uninstalled (Jay-rod and I set it up in about two minutes). If you've invested time and effort into learning things one way, the other way can seem daunting.

That said, anyone I know who wanted to learn to use a Mac learned it quickly, used it, and liked it. And for those who use both systems they tend to strongly prefer their Macs or at worst have no preference. I've never met the guy who uses both machines regularly that prefers the way Windows works.

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