Monday, July 07, 2008

Glass Jaw

In college I broke my jaw playing football. It was a clean break in two places, just right of center and midway up the left side. I had my jaw wired shut for almost two months and, with the exception of undoing a little orthodontic work, there have been no lasting consequences.

But the other day I took a shot to the jaw that nearly rivaled that fateful blow in college. I was wrestling with the boys and as I tickled Tanner he reared his head back and clocked me right in the jaw. The crown of his head hit me right below the zygomatic process and it was a show-stopper. It staggered me and I did one of those open, shut, open, shut "does this still work?" kind of things. (No, Shannon, I did not check for blood.)

In the end, I'm sure I'm fine but it's still throbbing 48 hours later; it was quite a shot. Do boxers feel big hits two days later?

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