Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blog Paralysis

I'm preparing for a wedding in St. Louis this week (and to be gone from the office for almost three days) and it's just killing me in regard to my usual routine. The good news is that I have my sermon and other responsibilities for next Sunday about 90% done. The bad news is that today, Wednesday, feels like a Saturday.

I've also been limited in my blogging. I think this would have been a three-posts-a-day week but I've just not had the time. I have done a little more on the church blog and sermon podcast page (you can know subscribe through iTunes). I have pictures of the kids and other stuff going on that I want to post here on my personal blog but I just can't seem to get to it.

(BTW, thanks to folks who send me stuff for the blog. I almost always like and would use it – if I have the time…)

I guess that's how blogging goes.

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