Friday, October 31, 2008

Keep This Blog Politics-Free…

Vote for John McCain (and you won't have to see daily posts about how Obama is flushing our country down the socialist toilet).

  • I'll bet Obama doesn't share the campaign wealth with John McCain.
  • Obamanation. Voting for Obama could ensure the murder of 10 million black Americans in the next 30 years.
  • Rev. Wright is wrong. But which is worse? That Obama didn't realize Wright was wrong or that he cynically sat there for 20 years and didn't care that Wright was wrong?
  • Biden and Murtha attempt to blow the election for Obama (SNL skit).
  • The character assassination of Sarah Palin.
  • Victor Davis Hanson says Palin not so bad.
  • Obama keeps saying, "I am my brother's keeper." Does he know enough Bible to realize that he's misquoting a murderer?
  • This election is close and it all depends on turnout.

Purely anecdotal observation:

The people in my life who are self-starters, who are productive, tough, and admirably self-reliant are voting for McCain in droves. They worry about what is ultimately right, whether it's popular or not. I really respect these folks; they keep this country running.

The people I know who don't keep up with politics and spend most of their energy worrying about themselves and how people feel about them are largely voting for Obama. They ask first, "what do I get out of this?" and secondly, "what would my friends say?"

I'd bet that holds true across the board.


Anonymous said...

"I am my brother's keeper."

I didn't realize he was saying it that way. LOL. A presidential candidate is attempting to quote Cain. Sweet!

Nothing is more frustrating to me right now than "Christians" who are voting for Obama. Only God knows if someone is a Believer, but I'm talking about people who profess to be Christians, yet vote for candidates whose views completely contradict Biblical values in just about every way (abortion, welfare, homosexuality, evolution...)

...and where people get off saying that Jesus was a socialist is beyond me. Taking care of widows and the poor is the role of the church not government. If Christians think that Barack Obama is going to fill the gaps that the church isn't filling in this regard then maybe they should start tithing.

I'm preaching to the choir, but WHEW that felt good.

Anonymous said...

I think you finally have fallen completly off your rocker this time. Of course, people who are voting for Obama are self-absorbed uneducated idiots. Right......

Thumper said...

Not "uneducated idiots." It has nothing to do with intelligence. It has to do with the personal fortitude to do what's right whether or not it feels good or whether or not it is popular.

Being selfish or lazy or taking the easy road is a natural inclination for everybody. But not everybody has the character to stand on principle and do the right thing.