Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Can Believe Someone Sprayed You With Something

You've. Got. To. Be. Kidding.

Some nuts are convinced that contrails in the sky are actually government planes spraying chemicals on the population to conduct secret experiments.

Seriously. They call them "chemtrails."

Click here to watch the documentary-sounding crazy talk. People actually believe this, the hopeless fools! Airplanes have been leaving contrails and vapor trails forever. Have you seen aircraft pictures from World War 2? This is a case of colossal ignorance meeting backwardness and paranoia.

BTW, has Bush stolen that Iraqi oil yet? Or stolen billions of dollars for his cronies? Or taken over the world? Or done anything that the nutjobs were warning us about? If anyone wants to engage me in a passionate debate, start talking "stupid" and I'll pounce like a duck on a june bug.

[I'm more a Proverbs 26:5 guy than Proverbs 26:4, but I suppose that's the risk we run.]

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