Saturday, January 17, 2009

Under the Weather

I had managed to avoid getting sick, when my family was down with the flu for weeks last month. That said, the last 36 hours has kicked my behind.

I'm thankful, however, for technology. With my laptop, internet access, and the phone I've been able to keep up a cycle of working and sleeping throughout the day and night. I've studied, planned, counseled, and even had a meeting without ever leaving home (or changing out of my pajamas!).

I think I'm getting better and I'll have to go into the office tonight to do a few things, but it's a blessing to have these tools and this kind of flexibility. I'm truly blessed.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

I think we were all happy you decided to change out of your pj's for church today:) BTW-it was a great sermon.