Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worlds of Fun

We got free tickets to Worlds of Fun yesterday (I had to go to minister's luncheon but got four tickets in return).

We had a fantastic day! It was hot and sunny but a nice breeze was blowing. There was virtually no crowd whatsoever and the lines were non-existent. As far as I'm concerned, I'm never going on a weekend or holiday ever again.

Brennan took to the amusement park like a fish to water. Tanner wasn't feeling well most of the day but perked up toward evening. Overall, it was a perfect day and the best possible day you could expect at Worlds of Fun.

Thanks, Mom, for watching the babies! Thanks, Strubs, for the refill cups (only $1)!

My beautiful wife.

Brennan, the destroyer.

Tanner, the nearly destroyed.

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