Sunday, October 15, 2006

Gnat So Fast

We had a gnat problem last week, probably from a some fresh produce and an open door or two. They were driving us crazy so we went online where Shannon found a combination of dishwashing soap and apple juice that worked surprisingly well.

Just a few drops of soap and half a cup of juice and, within a few hours, dozens and dozens of dead gnats were floating in the solution. It was kind of cool… in a disgusting way.


Anonymous said...

By half a cup he means a glass half full. Not the measurement 1/2 a cup. The website also said to use sweet wine, but necessity being the mother of all invention, I used apple juice. It worked just as well.

Thumper said...

Maybe I meant the glass was half empty…

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...that seems appropriate. I say half full you say half empty. Hmmm...