Thursday, October 12, 2006

Random Thoughts 10/12/06

  • We were sick a lot this week, with Shannon and Graham the worst hit. It's pretty hard for Mom to get healthy when baby doesn't feel good and can't sleep.
  • The Dow closed at another record high of 11,947. I'm not in the stock market right now but I'm pretty sure that closing near twelve thousand is a good sign.
  • Cindy Sheehan, the Bush-hating peace activist, announced that she's a finalist for the Nobel Peace Prize. Good grief. Just remember that Adolf Hitler was nominated before World War 2 and Yasser Arafat, an actual terrorist, won the award in 1994. The last few years the Nobel Peace Prize has gone to the UN for a peaceful world (2001), Jimmy Carter for who knows what (2002), Shirin Ebadi for democracy and human rights in Iran (2003), and the IAEA for preventing nuclear proliferation (2005). What a joke. I want to nominate Kim Jong-il!
  • Speaking of the beloved leader, Kim Jong-il, it appears that the nuclear test last week failed. It would only have been about 1/20th of the minimum size for a nuclear bomb. Oops. First the missiles don't work and now this! Why is everyone so incompetent?! Herro?!
  • The new Army advertising slogan is "Army Strong." Ugh. Me like slogan. Me no like confusing "Army of One" slogan. Mmmm… "Army Strong" good. Me sound like Marine. Ugh. Actually I do like "Army Strong" and I like the new commercial that goes with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Herro? Hirarious!!
