Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Random Thoughts 12/5/07

  • Can you believe 2007 is almost over?
  • AT&T will phase out pay phones next year, further reducing the number of public phones out there. The obvious reason for this is increase in the use of cell phones. My kids won't even recognize a phone booth and Superman will have to change clothes in the men's room.
  • Click here and see a what 5 MB of computer storage (less than 1% of a CD-ROM) looked like in 1956. It would take about a thousand of these monstrosities to equal one standard DVD.
  • I just saw the first trailer for the Prince Caspian movie at Yahoo! movies. Yahoo! The Narnia movie was supposed to come out a week from Friday but it's been delayed until May. I'm still reading the Chronicles of Narnia with Brennan and Tanner (and sometimes Eli); we're finishing the sixth book right now. We also let the boys watch the first Narnia movie last Saturday, which was extremely well received. I believe it added a lot that we read the books first.
  • Like millions of other parents, we're strongly considering getting Nintendo's video game system, the Wii, for Christmas. They're just about impossible to find as demand has outstripped supply by a mile so, unless we get lucky, we may have to wait until after Christmas.

1 comment:

sugarbumkin said...

Forget Superman, what are Bill and Ted gonna do??? (Oh, and my father-in-law is getting us a Wii for Christmas. Boo-ya! We can battle!)