Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wii, Wii, Wii, All the Way Home

We've found one! After weeks of searching we've actually found a Wii video game system. The stores sell out as soon as they get a shipment and most individuals who have one to sell are gouging desperate parents on eBay to the tune of hundreds of dollars above retail. We had just about given up when, lo and behold, we found a lady who was willing to resell us her unopened Wii at cost.

What a blessing! Shannon is going to pick it up here in an hour.

The Wii was our "Plan A" for Christmas this year and, being an expensive purchase (for us), we didn't really have a "Plan B," so… it's nice that things are working out. Our boys, especially the older three, are going to so pleased!

It also represents the culmination of a long-held anticipation of mine: that I would someday be playing video games with my boys. It seems that someday may be in just a few weeks.

Update: Nintendo is offering a Wii raincheck for those who want to put something under the tree.


Dustin said...

Hey, Brother!

Remember all those times I let you borrow my playstation for weeks on end?? Well, paybacks will be coming due after the first of the year. Don't worry, I'll let you play with it through Xmas break before I ask you to return the favor.

The most important question-- did you get multiple controllers?

Anonymous said...

This may be one of the best gaming systems there is. Although it does defeat the purpose of video know, sitting around on your rear all day. But I have really enjoyed playing it and plan on purchasing one after Xmas. Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Brother will have to clear it with his wife and four dependents before this very expensive toy leaves the house. And yes there are 3 controllers and num chucks as well as several games. We hit the mother load with this one.

Thumper said...

Yes, we got a package deal with multiple games, controllers and nunchuks. And, Honey, that's "nunchuks" not "numb chucks;" a numb chuck is what you get when you hit charles on the funny-bone.