Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random Thoughts 4/22/09

  • Xavier Henry and his older brother, CJ, seem that they are coming to Kansas to play basketball after all, announcing their decision for KU tomorrow. This would seem like great news, as Xavier is NBA-ready now and would add a lot to Kansas' run at another National Championship. That said, it's hard not to be a little disconcerted by difficult this "obvious" decision seemed to be for the Henry brothers. I guess we'll cross our fingers.
  • Here are some incredible pictures of Saturn and its rings and moons.
  • Did you catch that the Detroit Lions changed their logos, uniforms, and such. It's mostly the same, but the lion is more detailed and there are little changes here and there.
  • My parents are at Disney World today. Apparently we weren't invited. I hope Grandma and Grandpa have fun in the place little kids (like four little boys I know) dream of. No bitterness here though.
  • Dustin gave me a "key finder" that he didn't want anymore.

    It beeps and flashes incessantly at the slightest noise as it sits on a shelf in my office where Dustin left it. It's supposed to respond to whistling or clapping, but it also goes off at the telephone, radio, conversations, the chair squeaking, or any noise made by a small child. After beeping through an entire phone conversation I decided that justice must be served.

    Ahhh. That's better.

1 comment:

Dustin said...

AAH! I wanted that back! Just kidding, I wanted to be there to help you drop rocks on it! I would love to let that thing have it, too!


Jesus said, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone."

... Hypocrite.