Friday, October 19, 2007

Not With Cats and Girls

Families with only girls and cats can't understand. But we have little boys and a dog, so we go through every kind of disgusting thing you could possibly imagine.

This evening we came home from an outing and let the dog out back to urinate. Sure enough, Elijah (three and a half) followed her out to do likewise. That's bad enough, except that he peed on the dog! And the dog let him! Why?! Sophie was wet head-to-tail when she came in to shake it off, with Elijah entering behind her, tugging up his pants.

Tanner tattled and Brennan chased down the dog with a towel. Eli was confronted and dealt with. Oh the joys of having boys and a dog.

1 comment: said...

The only thing I have that can come close to that is Brody deciding it was a good idea to pee all over the cable modem instead of walking to the toilet.

Jeff E