Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Arguing Worldviews

Finally some decent debate and conversation… sort of. You might be missing a great argument if you haven't read the comments here.

Originally, the article (at one point titled "Glass Houses") was going to be about Sen. Harry Reid recently calling Gens. Pace and Petraeus incompetent. Pretty strong words for a Senate majority leader who has an 18% approval rating, about half of the low approval ratings our President has. And so why do the secular progressives in our culture (like Reid and Pelosi) get to bash our military leaders and withhold necessary money our military needs and yet still claim they support our troops?

That seemed like a good question, but I cut to the chase and addressed what I see as a fundamental difference in worldviews. Anybody who wants to argue secular progressive vs. traditional or liberal vs. conservative, come on over. I won't delete your comments unless it crosses into the profane.

Please, no yelling.

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