Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Because Some People Are Haters

Why do I question if the leftist, anti-Bush crowd really supports the troops? Because of junk like this (found recently in Madison, WI):

I'm sorry but there is no way you can claim to support our troops and then compare them to Nazis. Uncle Jimbo over at Blackfive was nearly apoplectic after seeing this–and for good reason: Hitler and the Nazis are considered the personification of evil in our culture. In a debate, as soon as you use Hitler as a point of comparison, you lose the debate because nobody is as bad as Hitler. And yet the Bush-haters use Hitler/Nazi/fascist references toward the President and our military on a regular basis. Why is this okay? Why does it not cause outrage in the mainstream media?

It's beyond the pale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you like history... I thought this was interesting. I hear Eric's platoon is really supportive of the film. That's funny, huh?