Friday, July 20, 2007

Feeling Faint

I'm enrolled in a clinical study to test a new flu vaccine that could potentially work for several years instead of only one year. As part of the test I have to make repeated trips to have my health tested, including several blood tests.

And there's the problem.

I hate needles. The feeling of a needle under my skin is excruciatingly intolerable. It makes me squirm like fingernails on a chalk board (or should, the chalk board thing doesn't actually bother me). Well, today the nurse missed three times and left my arm a bruised and bloody mess. For me that meant the all-time worst experience I've ever had having my blood drawn: sweating, woozy and lightheaded–the closest I've ever come to passing out.

And I only have to back another dozen times. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

I think I'm feeling faint, too... but it's because I'm falling asleep thinking about the retarded Harry Potter books. When does football season start?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to write a fiction story about a waitress in England who writes a story on a napkin and a guy in Kansas stands in line at a Wal-Mart at midnight to read it.

Oh wait - that really did happen.



Thumper said...

Once again, it's for a "friend." I haven't read Harry Potter myself.