Monday, July 30, 2007

Gen. Petraeus is Winning

The good news out of Iraq is getting hard to ignore (unless you're Sen. Reid). General Petraeus is turning the tide in the battle for Iraq. He's finding a way that works and even dyed-in-the-wool Democrats are beginning to recognize it.

Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack are two such pundits who wrote this article for the New York Times. In the article they note the difficulties but nevertheless advocate hanging on in Iraq because of all the good trends they see.

They say in part, "Here is the most important thing Americans need to understand: We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms… The soldiers and marines told us they feel that they now have a superb commander in Gen. David Petraeus; they are confident in his strategy, they see real results, and they feel now they have the numbers needed to make a real difference."

Make sure you read the who article here.

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