Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hail Damaged

We had an incredible hail storm before church this morning. There were about 15 of us already at church when we got news of a tornado warning and the sky turned dark. The wind blew and and it rained just a little but then we heard loud sounds like gunshots.

At first we almost laughed at the sight of these hailstones hitting the ground. It was so loud and they hit so hard – like they were shot out of a cannon. And they were huge! A little larger than golfballs (racquetballs maybe?) they exploded when they hit the pavement and bounced on the grass. It was such an awesome sight as it intensified to the point you wouldn't dare stick your arm outside for fear of being hit. It was pouring hailstones and a hit looked like it might be lethal!

There were only six or eight cars in the parking lot but a new VW Bug had it's windshield broken in several places and the back window on my Honda was shattered into thousands of pieces. I had broken glass filling my backseat and even on my dashboard. All of our vehicles had serious hail damage.

When we got home after church even the siding on our house had been punctured in several places. Yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jared - remember when you threw a snowball at my mini-van window??


ok, not funny.