Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Winning Friends and Influencing People

We had another hit and run today. "Anonymous" wrote:
Man, word is starting to get around about this here blog, and I didn't believe some of the things that were being said, so I decided to check it out.

It's not that I (or others) dislike you for our opinions, it's just that you are so BORING! Most preachers, revs, priests, whatevers that I have came across had at least a spark of charisma (including Dr. King, who you are not worthy of even mentioning). You are a fat couch potato, which I am sure bides fine by the portly Eastern Kansas folks.

Here is what you say the pupose of this blog is :

I want this blog to show why I'm so content with God and the life He's given me.

Apparently you are content with God because he gave you IHOPs and Television.

Don't try to posture as some kind of intellectual.. the Church has always hated those anyway....
Thanks for that. One of my friendly debate opponents fired back at them though…
Wow, that was below the belt and the ref is going to need to take a point away. I am getting sick of this battery on Jared. He will take the abuse and even show your side of the story. Yet, these anonymous posters come in and take shots and run away ANONYMOUSLY. At least Jared puts his name behind his comments like a man. He has the gall to stand up for his opinions unlike some who post here.
Like anonymous has never watched Television and eaten out. Besides, the main reason Jared has this blog is so that his children have the opportunity to see and hear what their father was feeling and doing on a daily basis after he is gone (hopefully this doesn't happen for a long time). So before you open your mouth and spout off make sure you have the facts and the courage to put your name at the end of your post.

Thanks Chad, and you're correct, there's a lot on my blog that is only going to be of interest to my four boys (or my mother). But they got several other things wrong also.

  • I have a leather recliner and thus rarely sit on the couch while watching television.
  • Most of the Kansans I know are not portly but rather are in excellent health, including my fit and trim, beautiful wife (now I'm trying to push their buttons). Kansans are often hard working, outdoors-y kind of folks.
  • I'm guessing they know little or nothing about MLK, or theology, or the ministry in general. If someone with a degree in theology and more than a decade in the located ministry has an honest assessment of the writings of another minister, it is by definition "worthy" (even if it's wrong).
  • I thank God more for McDonalds – they have a play area for my kids.
  • Blogs are a poor tool for determining if someone is interesting. It's my blog you find boring, not me, not my life, and not my ministry.
  • My posture is terrible, thank you. I'm just not very pretentious: no hair gel, no fake tan, no diploma-mill degrees on my wall, no fancy clothes, no disingenuous posturing. What you see is what you get.
  • And you're way off base with the Church and intellectuals. History proves that the Church practically invented the professional scholar. To say otherwise shows either your ignorance or your bigotry.
I've been getting a lot of feedback from folks about these conversations, but I'm not going to delete you or ban you or make you sign-in or anything of the sort. I would like you to identify yourself and give me a call on the telephone. Come visit our church and let's put your preconceived notions to the test. I keep a spare room for guests and my wife is a great cook. If you're traveling, I'll even pick you up at the airport. Let's sit down face to face and talk into the wee hours of the morning. I promise it will be worthwhile and won't cost you a thing (once you get here). The greatest danger to you is that I might change your mind.


Anonymous said...

The invitation is very tempting. Change my mind? About what? Only if you promise that when we are done I will want to vomit at the sight of homosexuals, make Pancake Day a National Holiday and decide that the best way to study human nature is to watch hours of mindless drivel.
Son, I think you are missing the point. Thanks to your rantings on here, I wouldn't trust you with the care of my house-plants, let alone my soul.
That is your choice, you absolutely have every right to say whatever you want on here, but just so you know, a lot of people think you are an idiot.

That's a fact, and that is the fact that I am bringing to the discussion.

Anonymous said...

I guess my only question is, if you are so offended and disgusted by what my husband posts on his own personal blog, why do you read it? If something offends me, I tend to stay away from it. If you disagree with philosophies, or theological opinions, then discuss. But why resort to name calling and degredation unless you just have nothing more insightful or intelligent to say. For every one of you who considers him an "idiot" there are tons of us who truely know him and know that he is a respectable man of God. Don't judge a man by his blog alone.

Anonymous said...

I like cats. I chase them after rounds of turkey.

Anonymous said...

I like internet filth. I sell it for profit.

Anonymous said...

I drop c bombs at will. Want to gruff me?

Anonymous said...

I like the lesbian chick. What is her number. Does she play softball? Is she a switch hitter?

Anonymous said...

I saw that chick in gymnastics. She looked like a dude. I met a dude like her in Canada like her. I think that god doesnt like her. Believe I know.

Anonymous said...

I found a cat!

Anonymous said...


Do I smell Delicious?

Anonymous said...

Can I come to church with a Jimmy Paige mullet?

Anonymous said...


You lying c bomb! You dont even know how to change your oil boy! I want to play with....Petruggets.. please rub some lotion on my back.....

Anonymous said...

Im in the spirit world.

Anonymous said...

c bomb

Anonymous said...

Are there any kids out here???????

Anonymous said...

Are any of you under 30?

Anonymous said...

I judge all men by their blogs you dumb ho. Your husband paid me to undress a mexican midget online, because he doesnt have a real job.

Anonymous said...

Is this a gay sight?

Anonymous said...

I think so...

Anonymous said...

Wow! finally the gayest of gay ever place to represent ourselves! I like dancing with men!!!! Does anyone like me without vomiting like Jared the gay preacher (did I mention he likes mexican midgets?)

Anonymous said...

Thank you lord!!!! Finally a gay blog where we can be gay together. I have been searching for the gayest of all gay plances to vent my frustration of the antigayness of Kansas. Finally, a place to buttsurf while surfing the internet. Thank you Jared!!!

Anonymous said...

I am short and mexican. Ole'

Anonymous said...

You are gay.

Anonymous said...

Wow! finally a gay forum...

Anonymous said...

Thank You!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you a liberal gay sight finally!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for letting us know how gay your husband is! It is a big step for you! Can we compare mullets you bull dike?


The gayest person ever that likes gay women and all that is softball!

P.S. Live strong and eat at the Y!

Anonymous said...

My Husband is gay too.

Dont feel bad Shannon. Would you like to meet for coffee?

Maria Yeater

Anonymous said...

Jared ~
Just so you know, there are a LOT of people who do enjoy reading your blog, I for one. It lets me know what's going on in your life and I enjoy reading your opinions and stories. That's what this is, is a blog to put your thoughts and opinions on. I don't understand the negativism that I see on the comments here at all. If you disagree, that's fine, but there's a certain point, where it's just inappropriate. So, Jared, just keep posting away, and those of us that know and appreciate your words, will keep reading and enjoying. And I would hope that those that are only going to degrade others, would stay away. Thanks!!
~ Mindy Jo