Monday, March 06, 2006

Mud I Can Do

If we'd had girls we would have never gone through things like this:

Tanner came to the back door today, proud to report on his contribution to fraternal harmony. "Mommy, I helpt 'Lijah! I made mud for him!"

"What?! How did you make mud?"

"I peed in his dirt!" Tanner reported with glee.

"Where's Elijah?"

"Playin' in his mud!"

And sure enough, there in the backyard is our two-year-old, covered head-to-toe in mud – mud made from his brother's urine.

And they were each so pleased that Tanner had discovered such a brilliant solution.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandma is horrified!! And laughing hysterically!
How cute! How could you be mad at Tanner when he's so sweet and helpful!
