Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I fully support our President, our Troops, and their Mission to liberate people from tyranny and Islamic fascism. But our Commander in Chief, God bless him, is probably one of the worst communicators in Presidential history. He can take the simplest statement and make it awkward and unwieldy. But President Bush's values and convictions, if combined with former President Clinton's charisma and ability to connect, would elevate a Chief Executive to the level of Lincoln and Washington (and Reagan?).

That said, the seething hatred I hear reserved for President Bush reminds me most of how the press treated Lincoln – unreserved disgust and condescension with slanderous accusations of warmongering and the second-guessing of every decision. The parallels are remarkable (starting with Helen Thomas). Along the same vein, some of the Presidents who were most popular during their actual terms were men with serious and ongoing moral problems (Clinton? Kennedy? Roosevelt?).

Personal magnetism and personal integrity seem to be rare traits to find in the same person.

Anyway, I saw this bumper sticker and had to giggle a little. I think it's pro-Bush.

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